ATLANTA – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta (BBBSMA) is one of eight non-profit organizations that serve Atlantans for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Peachtree Road Race Charity Partner Program. BBBSMA will have 25 guaranteed entries into the 53rd Running of the Peachtree, which will take place on July 4 in Atlanta and virtually. Participants will be required to raise a minimum of $1,500 for BBBSMA in exchange for their registration.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Metro Atlanta named official charity partner
This incredible partnership provides passionate community-minded individuals the opportunity to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta (BBBSMA) while training for the largest 10K Road Race in the world. Join Team Big and help inspire and ignite the power and promise of youth in our communities.
“The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Peachtree Road Race is for everyone,” said Rich Kenah, the Peachtree’s race director. “We are proud of this opportunity for Atlanta’s most cherished tradition to be able to give back to organizations working to make Running City USA a better place.”
Team Member Benefits:
- •Free, guaranteed entry into the 2022 Atlanta Journal-Constitution Peachtree Road Race
- •Complimentary 10K training plan
- •BBBSMA Team Big gear, including racing shirt
- •Cheer station on the race course for your friends and family
- •Awards and incentives for top fundraisers
- •Customizable, online fundraising page
- •Access to fundraising support and coaching
To be an Atlanta Journal-Constitution Peachtree Road Race Charity Partner, non-profit organizations are required to be a registered 501(c)(3) with a local chapter in Georgia that supports work in the area of animal welfare, environment, healthcare/medicine/research, health/fitness/wellness, homelessness or social justice/equity/access. The 2022 partners are:
●American Cancer Society
●Back on My Feet
●Be The Match, By The Mile ProgramDup15q Alliance
●Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta
●Dup15q Alliance
●Reach Out and Read Georgia
●Team Maggie for a Cure, Inc.
Applications for the entries will now be accepted, with the opening of Atlanta Track Club
member registration and registration for the Peachtree lottery.
For more information, and to register for the race, visit