September’s “Big Spotlight” Shines on Lorraine Marshall

ATLANTA — The Big Spotlight series highlights a mentor, a Big, each month, sharing personal stories that reflect their dedication and hard work. These stories not only showcase the impact on the lives of the Littles they mentor but also contribute to advancing the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta. In 2023, our agency experienced a 68% increase in new 1:1 mentoring matches, with 90% of Littles viewing their mentors as significant adults in their lives – all thanks to our BIGS! 

This month, we introduce you to Lorraine Marshall from Jonesboro, Georgia. Lorraine has been matched with her Little Serenity for 1 year.

We recently connected with Lorraine via Q&A. Here’s a look:

  • Can you share why you became a Big?

I became a Big because I always longed for a mentor and wanted to be the positive influence I wished I’d had. My goal was to make a meaningful impact by witnessing a Little elevate and thrive on their own journey. I firmly believe in the incredible potential of individuals when they have someone to support, guide, and encourage them to be their best selves.

  • How has a mentor made an impact on your life?

Growing up, I didn’t have a formal mentor, but I learned from exceptional leaders whose guidance shaped my professional growth. Today, I’m especially grateful for the support of my business mentor, Jarvis Releford.

  • What has been one of the most rewarding aspects of serving as a BIG? 

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a BIG is my relationship with my Little, Serenity. Creating lifelong memories while watching her grow is incredibly fulfilling. I also cherish the opportunity to model a flourishing, healthy relationship.

Big Sister Lorraine and Little Sister Serenity share a joyful high-five in front of the iconic “B” sign at the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta office.
  • What is one piece of advice you have for a new BIG? 

Authenticity is key. Remember, you might be learning as much from your Little as they are from you. 

  • What are 1-2 simple and easy ways you support your LITTLE that go a long way and make a BIG difference? 
  1. I stay present. Serenity knows she can always reach me, and no matter what activity we engage in, I’m fully attentive.
  2. I strive to be encouraging. My Little is equipped to excel throughout her life, and I remind her of this at every opportunity.
  • Anything else you would like to share? 

I’m incredibly grateful for my Little, Alicia and Shaheim, and the entire team at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta. If you’re already a Big, remember that you’re making a significant difference. If you’re considering becoming a Big, I encourage you to join Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta for a life-changing experience for both you and your Little.