August’s “Big Spotlight” Features Sadegh Azimi

Sadegh Azimi - Social Graphic

ATLANTA — The Big Spotlight series highlights a mentor, a Big, each month, sharing personal stories that reflect their dedication and hard work. These stories not only showcase the impact on the lives of the Littles they mentor but also contribute to advancing the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta. In 2023, our agency experienced a 68% increase in new 1:1 mentoring matches, with 90% of Littles viewing their mentors as significant adults in their lives – all thanks to our BIGS! 

Many of our mentors are young professionals who have chosen to invest their time in nurturing a child's potential. This month let's get to know Sadegh Azimi! Sadegh works as a Management Consultant at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and mentors as a Big Brother. 

We recently connected in a Q&A chat with Sadegh. Here's a look: 

Can you share why you became a Big? 

I have come from a big family so I know firsthand how impactful it can be to have a supportive cast around you during the formative teenage years. When I was at that age, I was able to lean on my older brothers and sister every time I was looking for advice, help with difficult topics, or emotional support. I want to be able to play the same role for my Little who doesn't have an older brother. 

How has a mentor made an impact on your life?  

In my experience, the most impactful mentors have a special way of giving mentees the confidence to make leaps and pursue opportunities that often seem to be far-fetched to others. My mentor in middle school was the one who inspired me to follow my passion in college and I am forever grateful for his mentorship. 

What has been one of the most rewarding aspects of serving as a Big? 

Getting to know my Little has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. We are from different cultures and upbringings but through this program, we have been able to foster a real friendship and learn so many things about each other. 

What is one piece of advice you have for a new Big?  

Do it! This is an amazing opportunity to be a mentor to someone who can use your support. There is an amazing network at BBBS that guides you every step of the way to make sure you are well equipped to be the best Big you can be.  

What are 1-2 simple and easy ways you support your Little that go a long way and make a BIG difference? 

Listen and be patient. Building trust takes time and effort but that is the building block to any successful relationship, including with your Little. That makes a big difference. 


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta’s one-to-one mentoring programs work with volunteers, parents, and families to help create relationships that defend, inspire and empower the potential that lives within every kid.