Little Sister Aimee Named Posse Scholarship Winner
by Destiny Daniel
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta is proud to announce that Little Sister Aimee has been named a Posse Scholarship Winner. She will receive a full tuition scholarship to the College of Wooster in Ohio. Each year the Posse Foundation awards a few select students full tuition scholarships to attend one of their partner colleges or universities.

Aimee has been matched with her Big Sister, Katie Dod, for 7 years. Their Match Support Specialist, Susan Stubbs nominated Amy for the prestigious scholarship. With Susan’s assistance and Katie’s support, along with love and encouragement from her family, Aimee successfully completed 3 round of interviews to be considered for the award.
Aimee moved to the United States from Mexico and said she was “… a really shy person and could barely speak English.” In 2014, when she was in the fifth grade, she was matched with Katie. Aimee credits Katie with helping her to come out of her shell, and grow as a person. Aimee also praises Susan for motivating her to keep going and push herself. “In the moments that I doubted myself, Ms. Susan and Katie were my biggest supporters and I’m so thankful for them pushing me and not letting me give up.”

Big Sister Katie is thankful to have “… been able to witness Aimee blossom from a shy kid into a confident and beautiful young woman who maintains her kind spirit.” She feels that Aimee’s hustle, intelligence, kindness, perseverance, and determination made her uniquely qualified for this amazing opportunity.