Step 1 – Big Orientation

Step 1 – Big Orientation

Whether you are simply interested in learning more about being a Big or you know you want to take the next step, we encourage you to attend one of our Big Orientation sessions.
For your convenience you can participate via an interactive Webinar Orientation to have all your questions answered and start your volunteer application process.

PLEASE NOTE: Our enrollment period is closed at this time. The next enrollment period will open in June and we encourage you to join a Big Orientation then.  

 Sign up using the form below to be notified when our next enrollment period begins. We will keep in touch through update emails. 

Contact Information | Información de Contacto
Nombre Preferido
Número del celular 
Correo electrónico 
Qué pronombres usas?
For our information | Para nuestra información
Fecha de nacimiento 
Código postal
¿Cómo escoges identificarte a ti mismo/a?
*We match Bigs and Littles based on their gender identification. | Emparejamos a Bigs y Littles en función de su identificación de género.
Clicking Submit below indicates that you are interested in volunteering as a Big. Please be aware that this is not an application. You will be required to submit a full application later.